Domestic Violence is well-defined as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual, emotional/verbal, financial, spiritual, and psychological harm or suffering, including threats of such acts as intimidation “or arbitrary deprivation of the basic necessities of life whether occurring in public or private lives”. Ref: (www.un.org.)
Domestic abuse is often a slow gradual process, with the frequency of assaults and seriousness of the violence deliberately escalating over time.
Since abusers often convey deep remorse and promise to change, it can take years to acknowledge “that the violence will never stop and the relationship is unsalvageable”.
Ref: (www.canadian women.org)
There is no proof that alcohol or mental illness such as depression and or anxiety causes abuse to occur.
“People who assault their partners rarely assault their friends, neighbours, bosses or strangers”.
Ref: (www.canadianwomen.org)
In fact, when it comes to alcohol, there is a clear oxymoron that exists that while alcohol intake by an offender is often used to excuse their behaviour, victims who have been drinking are often blamed for their own victimization.
Conversely, although adults may think “the kids don’t know,” research clearly shows “that children see or hear many domestic violence assaults” Ref: (www.canadianwomen.org) than was originally thought. “Children who grow up in violent homes are more likely to be victims of physical abuse”. Ref: (www.slideshare.net).
According to the RCMP, a child who witnesses spousal violence is experiencing a form of child abuse, since research shows that “witnessing family violence is as harmful as experiencing it directly”. Ref: (www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca). While not all children who witness violence undergo direct physical abuse, they however often develop long-term behavioral and psychological problems. Research shows that children who witness violence are more prone to grow up to become victims or abusers. As much as abuse thrives in secrecy, do not be afraid to break the silence.
If you or anyone you know is in immediate danger, call 911 or the emergency number in your community
You may be abused if your partner:
- LPuts you down and makes you feel like a nobody
- LMakes you have sex when you don’t want to
- LMakes you feel afraid for yourself and your children
- LMakes it hard for you to leave the house or see your friends and family
- LMakes you feel guilty or blames you for what is happening
- LDoes not give you enough money to look after yourself or the children
If you have checked any or all of the above call 416-409-8045 to make an appointment to take charge of your life today!
Here’s How We Can Help
Your confidentiality is respected!
If you need help or simply to talk before making a decision please do not hesitate to call in regards to scheduling an appointment. C.S. Counselling Services is conveniently located within walking distance of the William Osler Hospital. For more information about abuse counselling call 416-409-8045 for a free consultation or fill the confidential form.